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Hilltop Recreation Area

Four Phase Improvement Project

What IS going on here?

Pine City Youth Hockey (PCYH) and Pine City Area Pickleball (PCAP) believe that people are paying more attention to their physical and mental health, and that a community needs to provide affordable recreational and leisure opportunities for businesses, organizations, and residents of all ages to enjoy. That is why PCYH and PCAP are on a volunteer and fundraising mission to improve the Hilltop Recreation Area.

We need your support. Please donate so we can provide safe, accessible, and quality recreation & leisure facilities for us all to enjoy. 

The park improvement project is being done mostly through volunteer labor and many gracious donations. To show our community's appreciation, we would like to provide a meal and beverages when they are working. Sign-up on the Meal Train, or make a monetary donation which will be used to have food a beverages delivered.

Follow all four phases of the project on facebook!

Click HERE to be linked to the Pine City Hilltop Facebook page. 

Phase One: Complete!
User agreements were renewed with the City, Civic Center, Youth Hockey and the water source was repaired to allow easier flooding of the skating rinks.

Phase Two: Goal to be completed by September 30, 2020
Construction of a multi-use building (locker rooms, bathrooms, concessions, lobby area, storage for maintenance & recreation equipment) to replace the warming house. Removal of existing warming house and regrading of the northwest corner of the park to improve drainage and create a dry area for soccer & flag-football. 

Phase Three: Goal to be completed by September 30, 2021
Pour concrete inside main boarded (hockey) rink with new boards & players benches. Concrete will be lined for pickle ball courts and basketball hoops. 
Impervious liners will be installed within the rinks to preserve water.

Phase Four: Goal to be completed by September 30, 2022
A canopy will be installed over the main ice hockey rink and bleachers will be provided within the park for spectators.